Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Frogs Breadsticks

2 c lukewarm water
1½ t yeast
whole grain spelt flour to make a porridge consistency. Cover and let sit 1 hour.
2½ T olive oil
2½ t salt
1/3 c finely grated parmesan cheese
100 g or 3½ oz grated mature cheddar
Enough spelt flour to make a somewhat sticky dough.
Roll long pieces in lots of poppy seeds and twist and place on greased baking sheet. Bake at 200 C or 375 F for about 30 minutes.

Froggy, Two Webkins Frogs and House of Teddy Frog say: These are deliciously cheesy, crispy and good any time of day! ******


  1. I am going to try a sourdough spelt version today and will let you know how it comes out

  2. We made these too today in a slightly different version. We used cheddar cheese and ementhaler cheese and Italian whole wheat flour and dipped them in chia seeds.
    Please send a photo Reddy!

  3. Mine were good but not crispy, crunchy. Any suggestions?

  4. I would try whole wheat flour instead of spelt. Ours are not crunchy but crispy. I always brush them with water before baking.
